Laboratories and departments

Laboratories and departments

Research and Production Laboratory (RPL-10) - "Video surveillance equipment"

The laboratory carries out research and development work, in the framework of which the peculiarities of design, implementation and application of video surveillance and notification systems are studied, methods of video signal processing, methods of video signal quality improvement, protection and information security, as well as personal identification are developed. Employees of the laboratory have developed equipment for automatic voice alarm systems "RECHOR" and "ALNOR", supplied to many public and private institutions as fire alarm systems. Small-scale production of these systems and their components has been established.

Supervisor: A.V. Medvedev, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Research & Development Laboratory (RDL-16) - "Communication channels and paths"

The laboratory carries out research works devoted to research and development of channel-forming equipment, methods of modulation, coding and formation of effective signal-code structures, methods of interference control in various channels and communication paths for various systems and environments.

Supervisor: S.S. Shavrin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Research & Production Laboratory (RPL-23) - "Frequency-time systems for communication networks"

The laboratory specializes in the creation and development of clock network synchronization (TSS) networks and precision time distribution systems.

The experience gained with direct participation of the laboratory team in the construction of digital backbone networks of Rostelecom, TSS network of Rostelecom, which is the basic synchronization network of the interconnected communication network of Russia (ICN RF), in the development of industry regulations governing the construction and operation of digital networks and TSS networks allows to use practical solutions and methods, the correctness of which is proved by many years of successful operation of TSS networks of the ICN RF. Work is being carried out to develop network synchronization methods, to create synchronization and precision time distribution systems for regional mobile operators, regional and local telecom operators.

In accordance with the Guiding Document of the industry RD 45.230-2001 the laboratory carries out a full range of works on creation, development and audit of TCC networks with a "single center of responsibility" to the Customer.

Services provided by the laboratory:

  • system development of modern telecommunication telecommunication networks;
  • design, project realization, commissioning of TSS networks;
  • development and implementation of TSS network management systems;
  • consulting of specialists;
  • auditing of TSS networks.

Supervisor: M.L. Shvarts, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Research & Development Laboratory (RDL-24) - "Cryptography and IP-systems security"

The laboratory carries out research and development of methods and technical means of cryptographic protection of information transmitted in modern and prospective telecommunication networks.

Supervisor: V.I. Kirin, Supervisor: Candidate of Technical Sciences, V.I. Kirin

Research & Production Laboratory (RPL-39) - "Filters and Microwave Circuits"

The laboratory develops and manufactures prototypes of devices for addition, separation and frequency selection of high-power signals of different frequency ranges. Research of methods of increasing the filter order, realized on the basis of new links, providing preservation of selective properties of the links themselves and high steepness of working attenuation in transition regions at limited intrinsic goodness of resonators, justification of circuit-technical methods of the required distribution of poles of working attenuation on the frequency axis due to their splitting, coupling and "castling", synthesis and optimization of filter topology within the framework of numerical electrodynamic 3D modeling taking into account the influence of the frequency axis.

Supervisor: G.M. Aristarkhov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Research & Development Department (RDD-3) - "Development of acoustic-electronic devices"

The main activity of the department is development, organization of manufacturing, testing and delivery of surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters, delay lines, dispersive SAW delay lines. Technological lines at the used contract production facilities allow to manufacture the developed SAW devices with frequencies from 20 MHz to 3000 MHz in batches from tens to millions of pieces per month. Contract manufacturing in Russia is certified according to ISO 9001 standard. On the premises of the department a small-scale production of SAW filters is deployed and a laboratory of acceptance tests is organized.

The department renders the following services to the enterprises:

  • development of filters, delay lines, dispersive delay lines on SAW according to technical requirements of customers;
  • organization of manufacturing and delivery of experimental, prototype and serial samples of devices;
  • testing of SAW devices for resistance and stability to external climatic, mechanical and special factors;
  • consultations on design of surfactant devices and their operation in the Customer's equipment.

Supervisor: V.S. Orlov, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Research & Development Department (RDD-48) - "Special Complexes and Radio Systems"

The main scientific directions of the department: reception and processing of signals of different frequency ranges under interference conditions; development of methods of signal formation and processing and new signal-code designs; development of algorithms and software environment for modeling satellite radio communication and navigation systems; development of radio communication systems of various purposes for different spheres of application. The department consists of 3 laboratories and a separate design office.

Supervisor: S.S. Adjemov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Research & Production Department (RPD-66) - "Medical Equipment"

The department "develops electrosurgical equipment intended for use in medical institutions, beauty salons, cosmetic offices for treatment of a wide range of diseases, postoperative care for better healing and elimination of purulent, inflammatory and other undesirable processes. The fields of application of the developed electrosurgical equipment are general and purulent surgery, dermatology, traumatology, orthopedics, dentistry, otolaryngology, veterinary medicine and gynecology.

Supervisor: Y.V. Melkonov

MTUCI Testing Center (TC-45)

According to the accreditation certificate №RA.RU.21AI68 (IC-45) the following tests are carried out: communication equipment during certification and declaration for compliance with the Rules of application of equipment on communication networks; communication equipment during certification for compliance with the requirements of the RF Government Decree of September 26, 2016 № 969 "On approval of requirements to the functional properties of technical means of transport security and the Rules of mandatory certification of technical means of transport security".

The range of services performed according to accreditation certificate No. RA.RU.21AI68 (TC-45) includes:

  • carrying out certification tests, declaration tests and inspection control in the testing laboratory;
  • verification of the manufacturer's ability to produce communication equipment complying with the established requirements during the period of validity of the certificate of conformity;
  • preparation of technical documentation.
  • The scope of accreditation of IC MTUSI includes: communication equipment; information technologies; television and radio broadcasting; power supply; satellite earth stations; antennas; cross-connections; servers, etc. The scope of accreditation of IC MTUSI includes: communication equipment; information technologies; television and radio broadcasting; power supply; satellite earth stations; antennas; cross-connections; servers; etc.

Supervisor: A.V. Lobzov, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Research & Testing Laboratory (RTL-52)

The laboratory tests various radio-electronic equipment for compliance with standards and Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.

The range of services performed according to accreditation certificate №RA.RU.21RS35 (RTL-52) includes:

  • conducting tests for compliance with the requirements of standards under Technical Regulations 020/2011, 004/2011 in the testing laboratory;
  • preparation of technical documentation.

The scope of accreditation for testing for compliance with standards and technical regulations includes: communications equipment; radio communications; information technology; electrical engineering.

Supervisor: E.P. Stroganova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Acoustic Center of MTUSI (AC-43) - Acoustic Certification Test Center

The acoustic center conducts both works on sound quality analysis of analog and digital sound paths and training sessions with undergraduate and graduate students, as well as training of experts in subjective-statistical analysis of sound quality by FSQ method.

On the basis of FSQ method in 2001 AC-43 organized a public organization - "Russian League of Auto Sound Competitions" (LAS). Since 1997 AC-43 holds annual exhibitions of author's Hi-End class audio equipment in MTUCI.

The laboratory "Evaluation of sound quality of acoustic systems by Home FSQ method and evaluation of sound path components" was organized, where tests of sound equipment are conducted.

Supervisor: D.G. Svoboda

Budget Department "Regulatory Support and Management in Info-communications"

The department is engaged in research and development of normative and regulatory documentation for telecommunication enterprises, terminological glossaries in the telecommunication sphere, as well as development of quality management systems for higher technical educational institutions. At present, the department focuses on the problems of normative and technical support of synchronization and common time systems on communication networks of the Russian Federation.

Supervisor: M.L. Shvarts, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Budget Department "Radio Technical Systems and Devices"

The subjects of the department's work are related to the issues of increasing the energy efficiency of power amplification paths of communication and broadcasting transmitters. The objects of research are high-efficiency key power amplifiers, methods of construction of high-efficiency linear power amplifiers, broadband transistor amplifiers. Research is carried out on methods of construction of transmitters for digital radio broadcasting, application of phase frequency autotuning systems, frequency synthesizers for various purposes, radio tracts for means of communication with mobile objects. Recently the object of research of the department is the development of software and hardware products for the formation and processing of signals, calculation of digital radio broadcasting networks and creation of radio tags of the Internet of Things system, as well as the development of a laboratory complex for setting up laboratory work to study the methods of generation of radio signals of the most common standards and technologies of modern telecommunication systems.

Supervisor: A.V. Pestryakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Budget Department "Radio Technical Systems and Devices"

The main activity of the department is the creation of new and improvement of existing training and laboratory facilities for higher and specialized secondary educational institutions. In addition, the department carries out search and applied research works in the field of advanced telecommunication systems, in particular, satellite communication networks.

Supervisor: S.G. Dogaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Budget Division “Digital Television and Video Informatics”

The main directions of research and development work of the department are: research and development in the field of digital image processing; development of methods and devices for converting television formats; development of video compression methods; research and development in the field of digital television systems; development of applied television systems. Research work is being carried out in the field of object recognition and video control. Training models and stands for studying digital television are being developed. Devices and methods of measurement of basic parameters and characteristics of analog-digital cable television networks and their elements are being developed.

Supervisor: Y.B. Zubarev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Budget Department "Organization of Student Research Work"

The Division is in charge of organizing and conducting conferences, seminars and exhibitions. The activity of the department is aimed at solving the following main tasks:

  • development of students' inclinations to research activities;
  • expansion of theoretical outlook and scientific erudition of students;
  • popularization of scientific knowledge and achievements among students;
  • raising the prestige of scientific and engineering activity among young people;
  • ensuring effective professional selection of capable and gifted youth for further study in master's and postgraduate programs and replenishment of scientific and teaching staff of MTUCI in the future.

The main forms of work with youth are:

  • attracting students and graduate students to participate in international and regional conferences, Olympiads, contests and competitions;
  • assistance in publishing scientific works of undergraduate and graduate students in various scientific editions;
  • expansion of forms of attracting young people to scientific research and activization of work to ensure the inflow and retention of young people in the spheres of science, education and high-tech segments of the communications industry.

Supervisor: V.G. Orlov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Budget Division "Organization of Scientific Work and Publication Activities"

The department solves the following main tasks:

  • organization of inventive and patent-licensing work at the University, providing advisory assistance to inventors on drafting and execution of invention applications, attracting outside consultants, ensuring registration of applications with the relevant departments;
  • ensuring registration of software products developed in the process of R&D in the State Fund of Algorithms and Programs;
  • organization of work on updating the information site of the Research Institute in the Internet;
  • organization of work on writing and publishing of scientific monographs by the university employees, interaction with publishing houses, accounting of published monographs;
  • assistance to the university researchers, as well as postgraduates, applicants and students in writing and design of scientific publications, as well as in their placement for printing in periodical scientific and technical editions;
  • accounting of scientific publications;
  • compilation and annual updating of the author's citation RSCI (for researchers of the University);
  • standard control and examination of dissertation abstracts submitted to the Dissertation Council of the University;
  • annual subscription to periodical scientific and technical publications;
  • design and regular updating of the information stand of the R&D Center, etc.

Supervisor: O.V. Varlamov, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Budgetary Research Department "Advanced Technologies for the Digital Economy"

The department is engaged in organizing and conducting new exploratory scientific research in promising areas of development of various technologies of the digital economy.

Supervisor: Y.B. Mironov, Candidate of Technical Sciences

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