Research & Development

Research & Development

MTUCI Research Center is one of the leaders in the field of applied research and development works.

Their share is about 50% of the total volume of thematic works. At the same time, the rest of the work falls on small-scale production of telecommunication equipment, which is the result of its own research and development.

This quantitative indicator shows that the Scientific Center responds to the requirements of today's economy, is market-oriented, and scientific activity is largely innovative, as it results in new or significantly improved technical means, processes and services sold on the market.

In general, the subjects of fundamental and applied research carried out by the departments and laboratories of the Scientific Center include the main scientific and technical fields determining the development of equipment, technologies and services of the industry, namely:

  • transmitting complexes of radio communication and television and radio broadcasting systems;
  • systems and hardware-software means of reception and processing of radio signals;
  • digital television technologies and video informatics;
  • info-communication technologies and services of the information society;
  • marketing and management in info-communication technologies.

Another area of the Scientific Center's activity is certification testing of communication systems and equipment. MTUCI has the right to certify measurement methods related to the sphere of state regulation of ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the field of communications and mass communications, to conduct metrological examination of design, engineering and technological documentation used in the field of communications and mass communications according to the list of communication equipment subject to mandatory certification. The high level of scientific research results and engineering developments of the Scientific Center is ensured due to historically established and developing scientific teams - scientific schools of MTUCI. The total number of employees of the Center is about 300 people, including more than 20 doctors of sciences and more than 70 candidates of sciences.

At present, scientific research in R&D Center is carried out in the following fields:

  • mobile radio communication systems;
  • systems and hardware-software means of reception and processing of radio signals;
  • transmitting complexes of radio communication and television and radio broadcasting systems;
  • electrodynamics of fields and radiators in communication and broadcasting systems, propagation of radio waves;
  • digital television technologies and video informatics;
  • problems of creation and implementation of the next generation telecommunication network technologies;
  • info-communication technologies and services of the information society;
  • medical and biological aspects of development and application of electrosurgical equipment;
  • marketing and management in info-communication technologies;
  • improving the efficiency of economic and product quality management in the communications industry.

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